
A Rambling Editorial

Gil Williamson

All about the New Mythaxis Blog

First of all, my apologies. This issue has taken an age to appear on your screens, but it's here at last.

One of the delays was caused by your editor working on other projects when he should have been paying attention to Mythaxis. Then, some idiots with sub-zero IQs (or, perhaps, just one idiot with multiple names) trashed our forum with thousands of adverts for gaming sites, and I eventually had to scrap the forum, which was not, in any event, a great hive of activity.

Realising, as delay piled on delay and issue 6 - this issue - was never finished, that the principle of individual issues for a magazine was not a constraint on the internet, I started to build a blog, which incorporated a master index to Mythaxis, as well as allowing me to release individual stories as soon as they are available, and to make new story and new issue announcements as blog entries.

This is the address of the Mythaxis Blog and Master Index.

Every time I have enough pre-releases to make a new issue, I will release them as an issue in the traditional format, and do a blog entry. To be alerted to developments, subscribe to the RSS feed on the blog.

And here's another cartoon from Liam Baldwin.

Date and time of last update 23:47 Wed 17 Feb 2010
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